Welcome to TMI VIRTU@LLY        

TMI VIRTU@LLY Learning Management System for Online training

TMI VIRTU@LLY (LMS) is a learning platform designed to offer and manage virtual Training and online learning. It is a web-based tool offering "any time, any place, any pace access to learning content.

The LMS is a web-based digital platform which is accessible using following compatible web browser with internet connectivity.

  • Chrome
  • Firefox Mozilla
  • Safari

Note: For the best experience and optimum security, we recommend to keep your browser up to date.

All Trainees will be able to access the portal via internet.


All the Trainees will be registered by Administration Team: Once the LMS Administration Team has registered you successfully, you will receive an email and message to your mobile with username and password.

Login into the system using the URL https://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx and Enter the Username & Password

Enter your email id as username(Example: email*******). And enter the password received from the concern Department.

After logging in, you will be taken to the home page where you will be able to see the course assigned to you.

Please start your training on the Course assigned to you by clicking on the course

Note for All users:

Please take some time to read through the LMS User Manual shared with you. It will help you navigate through LMS comfortably.

Happy Learning!

System Requirements

System Description
Headset Headsets with microphone for improved sound quality is recommended.
Camera Any compatible with your operating system with latest device drivers installed.
Operating System Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Android and iOS. Make sure you are using one the compatible browsers listed below.
  • Desktop - Intel or AMD processors with 2.0 GHz or above. Note that lower-end CPU types may result in poor (lower video resolution) quality.
  • Mobile/Tablet - Latest models with a fast CPU clocked at 1.4 GHz or above is recommended.
RAM Minimum 1 GB. 4GB or more is recommended. At-least 100MB of free memory should be available.
  • Video - minimum 300 kbps per stream, Max 1 Mbps (All attendees)
  • Audio - minimum 50 kbps per stream, Max 100 Kbps (All attendees)
  • Recording - minimum 3 Mbps, Max 5 Mbps (Instructor/Presenter only)
  • Screen Sharing - minimum 2 Mbps, Max 3 Mbps (Instructor/Presenter only)
Compatible Browsers
  • Desktop - Google Chrome (latest release version) - Recommended
  • Desktop - Firefox (latest release version) - Recommended
  • Desktop - Microsoft Edge (latest release version) - Not Recommended
  • Android - Google Chrome (latest release version) - Recommended
  • Android - Samsung Internet (latest release version) - Recommended
  • Android - Opera (latest release version) - Recommended
  • iOS - Safari (latest release version 11 or above) - Recommended
Screen Sharing
  • Chrome - No plugins necessary.
  • Firefox - No plugins necessary.
Video resolution from 180p@30fps to 720p@30fps
Your email ID is your Username.
Please connect with your Administrator to get this.